Tuesday, August 31 and Thursday, September 2, 2021


Today we talked about the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and discovered the distribution of types in our group. We also talked about how a good mix of personality types in group work can make us more successful in our tasks. While there are other things we will examine later in the semester that contribute to creating and supporting effective teams, knowing our own preferences is certainly a good place to start.

Here is the distribution of personality types in the Topaz cohort:

Hannah DardenINTJ
Alexander MaISFJ
Johnnie SmithINTP
Nicholas CornENFJ
John BryantINTJ
Dareon BuffingtonINFJ
Lillian McNeelyINTJ
Josephine WeathingtonINTJ
Cicely OrrENFJ
Michael GrayENTP
Eli BrewerINFJ

Links to websites we discussed in class:



Assignment Due Thursday, September 9:

 After using the above links to better understand the personality tool and thinking about the preferences you expressed in the different categories, answer the following questions on your blog. Be sure to add a catchy header to your blog that you think reflects your personality.

  1.  Based on what you have learned about your MBTI profile, what do you need/expect in your work environment?
  2. What type of leader do you expect to be and how does this profile reflect that?
  3. When working on a team/in a group, how do you think knowing the other people’s profiles would change the group interactions?